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| De Shon | Finding Eldorado | Pickett | NKCHS | Henry Hornet | YouTube | Pinterest | |
"Thank God For Truckers" Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States During the CoronaVirus / COVID-19 Pandemic & Lock Down April 17, 2020 The year of our Lord. |
~ MY TRUCKER FAMILY ~ Donald Dale De Shon [D or Big D] Self Employed / Crouch Brothers / TOX / Advanced United Jewell Ray "Bud or J.R." De Shon [Lightning] PIE Lawrence Chalmous Settle, Sr. "Larney" PIE Merrill Elliott De Shon Self Employed Elliott De Shon, Jr. "Sam or Junior" Self Employed William Glenn Dowdy, Sr. "Bill" Red Ball Alan Wayne Rogers Roadway / Yellow Freight Robin Heerlein-Harris Charles Lee Heerlein, Jr. "Chuck" UNION Local 41 The Kansas City TOX / Advanced United (Over the Road Drivers) T.O.X. Texas Oklahoma Express (Over the Road Drivers) P.I.E. Pacific Intermountain Express (Over the Road Drivers) Crouch Brothers (Over the Road Drivers) Red Ball (Over the Road Drivers) (If I forgot a family member, please email me at: MMDeShon@gmail.com ) |
![]() Stay Tuned... Better Picture Quality... More Pictures to Come... |
I went shopping today for a few more new clothes to
accommodate a little weight loss. Changing "what" I eat & drink and what "time" I eat & drink certainly has made a difference in my overall health. So yes, I've dropped a lot of weight by not eating out but once or twice a month, not drinking gallons of pop each day and cooking my own healthy food. I ran into a friend of mine from high school at the store. She told another friend I look... quote "way too thin, frail and sickly". That friend told another who got all worried. He told another, who also got all worried. Next thing I knew, my phone was ringing off the hook and they had me permanently horizontal with the lid closed & locked, toasted well-done & damned near in an urn... prematurely. DEAD Nonnie & I started laughing. So here I am today two new cute shirts, a pair of leggings and two pairs of jeggings, later. I've multiple times got to buy new undies, too. And buying clothes in juniors? Who would have thought? I had to look up what leggings & jeggings even are, but I'm sure liking them now that we've got that way too thin, frail and sickly stuff corrected. Next we need to discuss these naps. I never signed up for naps when I was younger. I sure do like them, though. Just Remember My Loves... Breaking my neck & ankle; as well as, injuring my back & hands and being exposed to black mold & frigid cold for an extended period of time; took a gigantic toll on my body. But! As your grandpa would say, "I'm not box city, yet." |
Essie, Emma, Spike & Jenny Boo |
There is
a space near me, missing you. |
Cat's In The Cradle |
by: Harry Chapin |
In some ways it reminds me of us. At some point, it will be too late. Little boy grew into manhood. |
This selfie stuff is kind of fun. |
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(more photos to follow in this series) |
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(Did you notice? The pictures of Ma & Pa are 20 years later. 1958 - 1978) |
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![]() You guys are missing out & I know you love BBQ. Birthday Lunch with Nonnie at Arthur Bryant's at the Legends. We had way too much food. |
As autumn approaches it always reminds me of your
Grandpa making bonfires out on the mound. We called "the mound" where the well was & where you'd dig for worms. Bonfires aren't allowed in Kansas City, Missouri anymore, but back in the day, we had the biggest & the best. Our whole yard was overgrown with brush at 5104. As Mom & Dad would chop the brush out, it would be thrown in a big pile. We'd have spectacular bonfires that Dad would stoke with gasoline. He'd add more brush as the flames grew higher & higher; and throw more and more gas on it. It's a wonder he didn't set the whole damned neighborhood on fire. We had lawn chairs to watch safely back a distance by the driveway. Dad did always have the hose right there... just in case. That was way before Jerry & Debbie Wolfe's house existed. Somewhere on one of the old time movies, Mom took a movie of Dad & a bonfire. I wonder if Nonnie remembers bonfires. I'll have to ask her. Later in the evening, after the flames settled down, we'd roast hot dogs & marshmallows. Yard Work was always fun with your Grandma & Grandpa De Shon "Ma & Pa". ~ what a great life we had ~ |
(more photos to follow in this series) | |
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If you don't ever go on a Cemetery Crawl with your
blood family; how will you ever know where all our relatives are buried and the fun or shocking stories that go along with them? The cemetery can point you to a grave, but once family members pass, it's too late to hear all the stories that you can later pass along to your kids. The clock keeps ticking; don't miss your opportunity. Maybe you don't care now; but maybe one day you will care. Just wondering... |
(see photos below) |
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Yep, retirement is kind of interesting. Who
would have thought I'd be restoring my old dolls. Nonnie and I both got matching dolls for Christmas 1960. I was 7 and Nonnie was 9. Your Grandma also bought us matching light blue metal Doll Cases to keep our doll clothes & dolls in. Your Great Grandma Heerlein, Great Aunt Helen & Great Aunt Betty made amazing dolls clothes as our Christmas gifts. Come Christmas 2018, this doll will be 58 years old. We lost our doll cases and many other toys when our basement at 5104 flooded. Her shoes are currently glued on with "water soluble" glue stick. There is an Old Time Movie of Nonnie & I getting these dolls on DVD. Your Grandma had them posed so cute Christmas morning. A little girl's dream doll. |
Adventures of Nonnie & your
Me-Me We're heading out to cruise the city and see what's new; then off to lunch. Pizza sounds good. Wish you were here! |
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Hearken to your Grandmother's frail voice feeling all alone; searching for her loved ones; panic, fear & desperation in her voice, feeling all alone. Calling out... afraid. Listen. Listen quietly. Remember. Watch family videos so you never forget the sound of her or Grandpa's voices. Look at old family pictures. Know who people are or were. For today, hear her voice. May her words forever burn in your mind and bring you to endless tears, as they do to me. |
Your Grandmother Was
Calling Out: "Me-Me! Me-Me! Where are you? I can't see you. I can't hear you. Where are you, Me-Me?" |
Your Grandma was calling out for me as I sat right
next to her on 5th floor of North Kansas City Hospital. Her eyes were closed from the Euthanasia medications they were pumping into her. They were systematically killing her on purpose, and with no legal authority & behind my back. All she asked for were fluids so she would feel better. She said she felt dehydrated. Your evil cruel mother, had Grandma's fluids shut off. That lying vile frizz-headed, bastard, Stoddard. Came into our house and lied right to your Grandma's face. God Damned Mother Fucker! Hell hath no furry, as what I hope is in store for Stoddard. |
I stood up next to her, gripping her hand, and assured your Grandma, "Momma, I'm here. I'm right here. I haven't left you. It's ok. I'm here. Momma, it's ok. I'm here." Holding her hand with tears flooding down my face, I pleaded with her, "Momma, open your eyes. Open your eyes. I'm right here." I caressed her face and pushed her hair back from her forehead. "I'm here." Gradually, she calmed and fell silent. |
May your
Grandmother's words and mine forever burn in your minds. I never held you boys accountable because you were children. EVERYTHING you believe to be truth, isn't. Go back and watch the videos. That's what love is. That's what truth is. One-by-one, as you turn 21... I hold you accountable. Grow up - Get a job - Move far away from your parents & their incessant hate. Build a life with your own wives and children where the love you learned at Ma, Pa & Me-Me's can thrive. Get out from under your mother's hate filled and selfish control. |
Peg Perego Ride-on Train with Tracks & Trailer | |
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Me-Me Slide & Me-Me Coaster Rides Shish! No wonder my poor little back hurts. :) |
Hey, na na na. Ho, na na na. I'm gonna be an Indian Chief. |
(put a pillow on your head, dance like a warrior; and sing it) |
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No one will ever love you as much as your Me-Me does. |
September 5, 2016
Grandma's Love of Plants, Flowers and the
beauty of her yard... Grandma & her sisters, Aunt Helen, Aunt Betty & Aunt Carol all decided to go to Washington state to see their brother, Uncle Bum. It was a spur of the moment, sisters only road trip. Your Grandma could barely tolerate her brother, Uncle Bum (John) because she said he has a filthy mouth and did her mom, Grandma Heerlein wrong after Grandpa Heerlein died. So the sisters loaded up and took off driving. They had a wonderful vacation full of memories. Your grandma had always been one to get pretty rocks whenever we would go on vacation. This trip was no different; except on this trip, she also took a small cutting of a wild hostas. The thing that bothers me is that Grandma's hostas', bird's nest shrubs and other plants simply vanished while Grandpa & I were still living there. Everybody pleads ignorance. That whole fence row of plants & flowers was freaking gone and it pisses me off. I'm so sick of being lied to about this. When I consider that the yard was mowed about every 3rd day; and it wasn't noticed or mentioned that those giant plants and Grandma's flowers were gone? Please! I don't buy it. That the neighbors would come into our yard and steal them? I don't buy that, either. Although those plants meant nothing to anybody except Mom & I; nobody had the right to poison them or dig them up, throw them out or take them. NOBODY! I hope one day, someone with fess up and be honest. It's despicable and hurtful that anybody would dishonor my mom that way. I'm so sick of liars and thieves, I could scream.
Look at the pictures below. Think about what was important to my
mom. She had a passion for the planting process. She loved watching
things grow. She was proud of how her home and yard looks. So proud in
this instance that she took pictures of her plants, her flowers, her
fountain, her yard... She placed her children and grandchildren in
front of picturesque areas of the yard for lasting memories. She hauled
a hostas cutting all the way back from Washington and hauled pretty
rocks back from California, Colorado, Washington, Canada and other
vacation locations. |
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Grandma & her
sisters on vacation to Washington state. |
is a picture of Mason. Behind Mason against the fence is the hostas cutting that Grandma brought back from Washington state. She has it staked so Grandpa wouldn't mow it over & so animals wouldn't walk on it. |
With lots of watering, plant food, protection from Dad and love; that little cutting that she brought back all the way from Washington state, grew into this gigantic beautiful hostas. | ||
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Along the side
fence by the kitchen, Grandma had the big hostas, this hostas, 2 bird's nest shrubs, and other shrubs, plants & flowers. Plus a trellis of creeping flowers. So where the Hell did it all go? |
For as
long as I can remember, my mom would religiously water her lawn, flowers, shrubs and plants. As you can see, she drags the hose all around the yard to water everywhere. It was one of her favorite things to do. Grab a lawn chair, sit outside, enjoy the weather, and water. |
For Mother's Day
in the late 1970's, I bought Grandma a big bird bath. She had electricity & water going out to it. The bowl broke years later. This is the top fountain piece, sitting next to the house. The base was in the backyard & I had purchased a new bowl for it. |
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This is your
mother (age 2). The fountain is in the background. The small tree on the right was planted for your mom. She named it Harold. You boys used to climb Harold as did your mother. P.S. Your mom is not alone in the pool. Grandma is taking the picture & I'm standing about a foot away, just to the left. |
is your mother (age 2). Grandma always planted pansies below her fountain. She spent lots of hours keeping the bowl clean and fresh for the birds. |
This is Grandma
watering her plants. 5104 North Chelsea Avenue Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri She had beautiful plants inside & out. She had a wonderful green thumb. Anything she planted grew and flourished. |
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My mom had passed
& somewhere along the line others thought they had the right to come in and fucking take over. Alan removed the fence in the backyard. He didn't ask. Nobody requested that he do it, either. He just took the fence down, gate and all. I never knew why. It had been there for years. It separated the backyard and we used the north portion for the dog's pen. Weird thing was, Alan left the fence posts up. Mom & Dad worked hard putting that fence up in the first place. Why was it taken down? |
is 1982 with Grandpa hunting Easter Eggs with your mom. In 2007 this well collapsed. There was a big fight over the repair. Alan had it repaired with fill dirt & water. It collapsed again because it wasn't repaired correctly. The thing that pissed me off with the well collapse was that Alan picked up dozens of my mother's "pretty" rocks that she had collected from vacations and he threw them into the hole. They meant fucking NOTHING to him, but they meant everything to my mom. Why? Like those few rocks were going to make a difference in a well collapse? |
Here's another
thing that pissed me off. We always kept fire wood along the back fence, because we had annual problems with the weather taking out our electricity and because we always loved fires in our fireplace. With two seniors, that wood pile was a life saver for me for cooking and keeping everybody warm during power outages. This photo is way before Uncle Bud built his big detached garage. So you can see how many years we kept fire wood. Alan threw it all out. He claimed it was full of termites. So the Hell what? He didn't ask. He just threw it all out. Nobody asked him to do it, nor did we want it thrown out. Why? Leave shit alone that isn't yours. |
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When I talk about
my Mom & the planting process, please notice the tiny stick of a tree just behind me by my elbow. That's the Burnt Oak tree your Grandma & Grandpa planted. You don't see the Maple Tree over by the Cadillac because your Grandma hadn't planted it, yet or placed a bunch of her rocks around it or added tulips at its base. You don't see the front Oak Tree because Grandma hadn't planted it yet, either. |
But look at the Burnt Oak
Tree now. This big Burnt Oak Tree has gown and it was the landing strip for your zip line. A tiny little stick of a tree, planted & loved in 1982 grew into this strong tree. Look by where the hitching post was. Look how that Maple Tree grew and there are Grandma's rocks around it that you all abandoned because of fucking ignorant greed and hate. All of those shrubs around the front & back of the house... All of the flowers... Grandma planted. And you ALL ruined it. White Trash lives in Grandma & Grandpa's house. Fucking White Trash! You ALL threw Grandma & Grandpa & our lives out to the trash For what? Money that you've now long since wasted. |
I love Alan. I truly do and I always will. He's been a family member since October 30, 1976. But nothing means anything to him and he never thinks to ask if something has special meaning to anybody else. Yes, they were just rocks, rotting fire wood, flowers, shrubs, plants, fencing, pieces of a broken fountain... But they were ours and they had meaning and memories attached to them. In one of the old time movies, there is a clip of our vacation to Colorado. Grandpa, Grandma, Nonnie & me. We are standing by a stream. Mom kept asking Dad to pull over & stop so she could get some pretty rocks. Dad got tired of hearing her ask repeatedly to stop, so he finally pulled over next to the stream and said, "Get out and get yourself a rock." ...and we did! |
The Least Worst of Three Bad Things... The day Grandma went out south to pick out which fountain she wanted, she took your mom with her. Dad had their car at my house in Gladstone mowing my lawn, so Grandma took my Cutlass S Super Sport after she and your mom dropped me off at work. Later in the day, Grandma called me at work and said, "I've got three bad things to tell you. Do you want the least bad first or the worst bad first?" I said, "Oh God! That doesn't sound good. Give me the least bad first." Grandma said, "I wrecked your car." I started to sweat and said, "That's the least bad? Oh my God!" I asked what happened. Grandma said that she was backing up in the parking lot at the statuary / fountain place and she backed into a pole folding my chrome bumper in half. I had insurance and it was easily replaced with a new bumper. I asked Grandma what the 2nd least bad thing was. She said, "Dad was at your house, mowing your lawn to surprise you. He got out the hose to hose the John Deere off when he was done. The spigot in your front yard was obviously broken and it flooded your basement. We had to rip up your carpet in the center bedroom and mop up all the water. We'll have to call somebody to haul the wet carpet off. We have fans set up so you don't get mold." I took a deep breath and sat down. I said, "I don't know what else could be worse." Grandma said, "The most worse is that one of your friends called to tell you that your friend, Ron Partridge had committed suicide." It was the summer of 1983. Ron lived in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. He was the laboratory manager for MAWD, Laboratory at the Professional Building at North Kansas City Hospital. I have to say, it was one Hell of a day. Whenever I see that fountain, it reminds me of the three bad things. Grandma told me that after she smashed up my back bumper she told your mom, "I bet they put that pole there after we went into the store." Your mom said, "No, momma. It was there all along." LOL Funny how those things stick in your memory. |
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August 29, 2016 |
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Glass Clown Banks I bought these heavy glass clown banks as Christmas gifts one year. One for Mason, one for Dane and one that I took to the basement in the event of another nephew coming along one day. One of yours ended up being broken a year or so later. Your mother in one of her hateful acts returned the other bank with damned near every present I ever bought you, your dad or her not long after Grandma died. Of course, she kept the really expensive things like her mixer, his telescope, thousands of dollars worth of DeWalt tools, your freezer, etc. I still have the two clown banks. It's nice to see them every once in awhile. They bring back good memories of you opening them Christmas morning and thinking they were so cool. |
In 2014 Carolyn said, “I remember taking my tap shoes to the shoe repair shop thinking the taps on the heels were loose because I couldn't keep my balance. No, it was just clumsy me with no balance. That is the reason I was always at the back of the class holding on to the bar!” As Mom was dancing around the kitchen, she took my hand and said, "Come on Mar! You can do it! Shuffle - Hop - Step - Brush - Step - Step. Do it! Shuffle - Hop - Step - Brush - Step - Step. Don't say the words, just feel the rhythm." We both were laughing as we finally stopped and started peeling potatoes for dinner. After all those years, she could still dance like she was a teenager. Here are her old pictures showing the six different costumes they wore for recitals and dance programs. Isn't she cute? She looks like your Mom in some of the pictures. Especially the one with her tambourine. Nonnie has Grandma's tambourine and grass skirt. We are really lucky that our family loved to take pictures. I'm also glad I scanned as many of the family photos as I could to share.
White Dress Costume (Dress & Hair Flowers)
[All Images shared with the Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society, St. Joseph, Missouri] |
August 18, 2016 |
Penny's Puppies Our first dog's name was Tippy. He was run over by my school bus driver when he followed me to the bus stop. I freaked out, crying and ran home. The bus driver didn't even say he was sorry. Grandma was mad because she didn't have a car to take to me school and asked me why I didn't go ahead and get on the bus. I was mad at her because she wouldn't go down to the bus stop to get Tippy immediately.
August 18, 2016 |
Grandma's Cement Flower Pots
August 14, 2016 |
My Memory...
forever. Scraps of paper. Toys. Little things. But each memory is still in the boxes. I didn't make one for Luke and Dane's isn't as full as Mason's. Probably because Mason was the 1st. I even still have the pink box. It doesn't have stacks of $100 dollar bills in it anymore, but it brings back great memories. Aunt Nonnie made a comment one day in 2013 about Axel. She said, "I finally have a nephew who loves me the best." My immediate response was, "It's easy when there isn't any competition." So much has been stolen from all of us. Time... Experiences... Memories... Love... Holidays... Birthdays... Possessions... Stability... Money... Togetherness... I'm sure Grandma is rolling over and over in her grave like she's on a spit upset at the dismantled state of her family. Relationships may periodically freeze in time. You love deeply; then you don't see someone or communicate for years. However, when you do reconnect (and we WILL reconnect); you pick right back up exactly where you left off as though no time has passed. It's pretty amazing. Blood relatives are like a beacon. You always go back to the beacon. I noticed your mother. As much as she hates me; when she was down in the dumps, she contacted me (twice) about Gianna. Julie hates me, but she comes running to me, to be on her side. She stated if Mom were alive, Mom would say to come home. Absolutely Grandma & Grandpa would have. I almost fell for it. I tried my hardest to save 5104; which was supposed to be yours when I died. It would have been there for her in good times and bad times. It was paid for. Now, the money is wasted. Our home, our beacon, Grandma & Grandpa's house is gone and white trash live there ruining it. It still to this day doesn't make any freaking sense to me. |
August 11, 2016 |
Vacation to Branson
In December 2001 we thought it might be fun to take a trip to Branson to see the Rockettes. I'm a big fan of the Rockettes. Grandpa didn't want to go. He was thrilled to be able to stay at home and be the master of his remote control. So we all went. We took your blue van. We did a lot of shopping and spent way too much time in Branson's notorious traffic. Grandma had cancer and was having trouble getting in and out of the van, so we took a little step stool to help her. Grandma was bound & determined that cancer wasn't going to keep her from enjoying her life and spending time with her family. We got two hotel rooms and just had a wonderful time! At the Rockettes, I sat between Mason and Dane. Chris was on Dane's right. When the Rockettes came out, Dane said, "Dad! Can we take one home with us?" Chris whispered, "One what?" Dane said, "One of those Rockettes." Dane could not take his eyes off the pretty girls. Chris and I busted out laughing. That's our little lady's man. Chris told Dane, "No. Mom won't let us have one."
August 10, 2016 | The
Missouri State Fair
Of course, Mom & Dad always bought us some goofy looking hat at the Missouri State Fair with our names embroidered on it. I remember this one green Robin Hood hat with a feather in it. Another year, Dad bought me a giant pair of sunglasses. I probably looked stupid, but I thought I was so cool. I was just a little kid having a great day at The Fair. Grandpa loved the Cotton Candy, Hot Dogs, Peanuts, Pop, Snow Cones, Ice Cream, Corn Dogs and Popcorn. So did Grandma. I come by my love of those goodies honestly! We had to have all the junk food we could consume. It was part of the fun of the day! You're already hot and sticky so why not have some cotton candy to be a little more gooey. The Fair, was an absolute blast! A lot of walking. A lot of food. A lot of fun! We always had to make our way to the building where all the prize winning pies, cakes, quilts and other things were; then we were off to look at the prize winning hogs, cattle, sheep, etc. Grandma liked how the cakes were decorated. She decorated all our cakes. It was hot as Hell in those old un-air conditioned building or tents. The big fans seemed to just circulate the sweltering hot air. I remember the bathrooms. They had numerous stalls with half wooden doors. The slider on the lock never matched up to actually lock the door, so Grandma would stand there and hold the door closed. She never let us go into a bathroom alone. Even back in those days, she was all into safety. There were always flies in those bathrooms, too. It was hot. There were flies. But it was so much fun! One of the attractions was to walk up a couple of steps, get a fishing pole and try to catch a prize. Little did I know back then that there were people below my view that attached the prizes to our hooks. They were good prizes, too. One year I got a Disney chalk statue of Dopey. Another year I got this brown Plaster of Paris dog with a little bell around his neck. To combat the heat, we wore cotton crop tops or blouses and shorts with either flip flops or white Keds. Back in my day, we called plain cheap rubber flip flops, "Go Aheads". It was a name brand. It was like "Go Ahead" and get them wet. Our hair was up in pony tails and life was good. In the old time movies that you have a copy of, there is a movie of Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Nonnie & me at the Missouri State Fair back in the late 50's or early 60's. Those were the days! I had a great childhood thanks to your Grandma & Grandpa. |
August 10, 2016 |
What's Your Favorite Kind of Jelly?
July 4, 2016 | Happy
4th of July I have such great memories of the 4th of July. It used to be a time when our family would get together. One phone call and one invitation was all it took and an event was created. Then the event took on a life of its own.
Ahhh. Another fun successful 4th
of July. Rain or Shine! |
July 4, 2016 | I watched a news reporter asking people on the street what the 4th of July was all about. They only featured people who truly had no clue. It wasn't any fun for them when people interviewed actually knew. If you don't know, seriously... go look it up. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May 30, 2016 |
Memorial Day! Cemetery Crawl ![]() Memorial Day is actually for our military who died in combat serving their country. Over the years, people have used it as a symbolic day for visiting cemeteries for any loved one. For several years after I started doing genealogy; Mom, Aunt Carol, Becki Sue and I would do a Cemetery Crawl over Memorial Day weekend. Aunt Carol had tons of Peonies & Iris' alongside her driveway. We'd take buckets of water, the cut flowers and everything we needed to clean off headstones and set some flowers out on our loved one's graves. It was so much fun. Mom & I would drive to Union Star to pick them up and off we'd go. I printed off lists of relatives at each cemetery from my FindingEldorado website, so we wouldn't miss anybody. We always started at Mount Olivet in St. Joe, where Grandma & Grandpa Heerlein, Aunt Marie, Uncle Otto, and numerous other relatives are buried. Next we'd go to Ashland Cemetery in St. Joe. where Uncle Sam & Uncle Merrill (Dad's brothers) were buried. We'd go to Blakely where Aunt Birdie, Uncle Bus & Robin are buried. Something funny always seemed to happen that would get us all tickled. One year when we were at Memorial Park, the wind came up and all of my papers blew off the dashboard of the car. They went flying in the air into the open cemetery. As I'd get to one on the ground, the wind would catch it again and zing it back up into the air out of my reach or blow it 20' ahead of me. I looked like a goofball chasing after papers in all directions, only to have them blow away when I was almost upon them. It was pretty funny. Grandma was laughing so hard, she had tears in her eyes. Another time, we were at Mount Mora. It's kind of a creepy older cemetery. Aunt Carol had her mini van that had sliding doors that opened on both sides of the van. I got out to peek inside of a tomb with a door with a window that you could look in. As I'm looking into the tomb, those assholes drove off and left me there. They circled around laughing their fool heads off. I didn't think it was very funny, but they couldn't stop laughing. When they came back for me, I'd just get to the van and they'd pull ahead of me several feet. They pulled that stunt several times before I got ticked off. There was the time we were looking for somebody's headstone. Mom & Aunt Carol are in the van and Becki Sue & I are on foot. Mom said, "It's right by some shrubs." I replied, "Well, Hell, Mom! There are a zillion shrubs in this cemetery; as well as, rows and rows of headstones. Can you be a little more specific?" By that time, we're all dying laughing. So Mom continues, "Yeah, he's buried on a hill by some shrubs, go up that way... no wait! That's somebody else. Maybe he was under a tree or is that Uncle Joe?" Becki says, "Who's Uncle Joe?" I'd just look at Mom and raise my eyebrow. She was such a goof. I'm laughing now, just remembering how funny that day was. We never came down to Kansas City or went to Sharp Cemetery, but always seemed to make time to go up to Mr. & Mrs. Coats' graves at Benton Church Cemetery, up north of St. Joe in Forest City, Missouri. Aunt Carol is buried up there, now. We'd always go somewhere for lunch, too. After Mom died, we tried to do a Cemetery Crawl in 2007, but it just wasn't the same without her. That was the last time I did a Cemetery Crawl with Aunt Carol & Becki Sue. Nonnie & I did a cemetery crawl in 2016, 2017 & 2018. It was a lot of fun. You would have enjoyed it. I had Nonnie laughing. She was great at cleaning off dirt & mud with a small spoon. I knew where people were and cleaned off bird poop. Next year, I'll remember the camera. |
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May 27, 2016 | ||
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Happy Birthday! It's been seven years or so since I've seen you. I still think about my Sweet Angels all the time. My memories of you have been frozen in time. We used to have so much fun! One day, we will make new memories. Please never forget Grandma & Grandpa. They loved you so much, and will always watch over you from Heaven. |
MAY 18, 2016 | |||
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![]() Here are some virtual camo cupcakes for your birthday. I hope you have a special birthday cake, enjoy your favorite dinner, get lots of presents, and have a FUN day! Grandma & Grandpa love you from Heaven. Your Me-Me loves you always, too. |
OMG! I used to play Toejam & Earl with my nephews. We'd go crazy when we got Rocket Skates! I still have it on my old Sega Genesis. They were so young. I wonder if they remember. It brings back great memories for me of when they'd stay all night; which was all the time. Life - Frozen In Time |
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© 2016 Mary Margaret De Shon ![]() |